Network error: Connection refused Putty Linux

Received the error “Network error: Connection refused” when tried to connect to Ubuntu virtual machine through putty.

Network error Connection refused Putty Linux
Network error Connection refused Putty Linux

Reason: SSH keys are not installed on Linux server(In my case Ubuntu)

Solution: We faced this issue because SSH keys are not installed on Linux server. Solution is to install the SSH keys on the Linux server by running command.

1. Install the SSH keys on Linux machine by running command in Linux server terminal.

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Network error Connection refused Putty Linux1

2. Check the status of the sshd service by running below command. If it is stopped then start it.

service sshd status

To start the sshd service:

service sshd start

3. Now, we will be able to connect to Linux machine without any issues.