Linux ps command with examples

In this article, we will see Linux ps command with examples.

Linux ps command is used to get list of processes currently running on Linux/Unix operating system. The ps command ıs commonly used by admınıstrators to ınvestıgate snapshots of a specıfıc process. ps ıs commonly used wıth grep to fılter out a
specıfıc process to analyze.

Linux ps command syntax and options:

ps [options]

Linux ps command examples

1. Find the list of processes running in current shell:


Linux ps command with examples

PID: Process ID
TTY: Terminal type that user is logging into Linux
TIME: Amount of CPU units and seconds that process has been running.
CMD: Name of the command that launched process.

2. List all process running in Linux/Unix:

We can also get all processes running on our Linux/Unix system using ps command with the option -e or -A

ps -e

ps -A

3. To full listing of all processes in Linux:
In the following commnad -f means full listing.

ps -f

Linux ps command with examples

4. Find the processes associate with current terminal:

ps -T

5. View Processes not associated with a terminal : View all processes except both session leaders and processes not associated with a terminal.

ps -a

6. Find processes running for particular user in Linux/Unix:

We use -u option with ps command. Following command lists processes running for the user david.

ps -s david

7. View all processes owned by ourselves.

ps -x

8. Find list of processes running.

ps -r

9. How to check particular process is running or not by using process name and pid.

Check pid 225 is running or not.

ps -ef | grep 2295

Check processes related to postgres or not.

10. View highest memory using processes.

ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%mem | more

11. Find top 10 most memory consuming processes.

ps aux --sort=pmem | head -10

Linux ps options:
Basic options:

-A, -e all processes -a all with tty, except session leaders a all with tty, including other users -d all except session leaders -N, --deselect negate selection r only running processes T all processes on this terminal x processes without controlling ttys

So in this article, we have seen Linux ps command syntax examples and option.