How to Install UFW Firewall on Redhat/CentOS

In this article, we will see how to Install UFW Firewall on Redhat/CentOS. UFW means Uncomplicated Firewall. UFW provide an easy to use interface for beginner user who is unfamiliar with firewall concepts.

1. By default, UFW is not available in Redhat/CentOS repository. So we will need to install the EPEL repository to our system. We can do this by running the following linux command:

sudo yum install epel-release -y

How to Install UFW Firewall on Redhat/CentOS

If you receive error like Unable to find a match epel-release then click on it.

2. Once the EPEL repository is installed, we can install UFW by just running the following linux command:

sudo yum install --enablerepo="epel" ufw -y

3. We have to enable and check the status by using below commands.

sudo ufw enable sudo ufw status

4. We can disable it by using below command.

sudo ufw disable