How to install google chrome browser on Kali Linux

In this article, we will see how to install google chrome browser on Kali Linux.

Follow the below steps to install google chrome browser on Kali Linux:

1. Update Kali Linux.

apt update

2. Go to and search for ‘chrome’.

3. Then, click on Download Chrome

4. Then, select 64 bit.deb package.

5. Then, save the file.

6. After download completed go to Downloads directory.

cd Download/

7. Now install the Google Chrome browser using below command.

sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

How to install google chrome browser on Kali Linux

8. Now open google chrome from terminal by using below command.



google-chrome --no-sandbox

9. Open Google-Chrome from applications.

Click on applications and search for Chrome. Then, click on Google Chrome.